Set up guides for surgical techs and nurses. Remember, each surgeon has their own preferences. This is a supplement to your preference cards.
ENT Stealth
A sinus procedure scheduled with Stealth Image Guidance will require a little set up prior to the procedure starting. See what’s needed here!
Exploratory Laparotomy
How I get ready for an ex lap. My basic set up here .
Septoplasty with Turbinate Reduction
Mayo stand and back table setup or a septoplasty. Take a look here.
Basic set up for a thyroidectomy, parathyroidectomy, neck dissection, lymph node dissection, or any other neck procedure.
Inspire Implant
All you need to know to get set up for an inspire implant. Read here.
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Basic laparoscopic set up for a lap appy— every OR team member should know like the back of their hand.